Monday, February 3, 2014

Stress No More

Sometimes life is just too much to handle, but life doesn’t stop for anyone, right?  Whether you’re in school, working, or just living life stress is inevitable. Stress can be a result of overworking yourself, having too many responsibilities, or a combination of both.  The best thing to do when you feel yourself stressing out is to avoid freaking out because you are so stressed. It will just make you more frustrated, exhausted, and will ultimately get you nowhere. Instead, when you feel life’s getting to be a bit too much, take a step back and find out what’s causing the stress. Then strive to rid your life of that stress-causing problem. Here are five helpful ways to combat stress so you don’t find yourself curled up on the floor crying.

1.     Create a relaxing playlist of soothing music that helps relieve your stress.  Dim the lights, burn a few candles or incense, and just listen to the music. 

2.     Take a bubble bath or an extra, long hot shower.  Use the extra time to pamper yourself with a body scrub, a face mask, or possibly just to read a nice book.

3.     Practice yoga, go on a long walk, or head to the gym. Working out actually increases the production of neurotransmitters known as endorphins, which will boost your mood and will overall make you feel better, inside and out.

4.     Cuddle up with a good book and a cup of hot tea. A book will help keep your mind off all the stress and tea is a nice way to detox your body.

5.     Pin up some inspiring quotes/sayings on your bulletin board or refrigerator. Even the simplest set of words can change your mindset.

- Gretchen

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